How to Prepare for the Process of Moving Your Items Into Storage

Moving items into a storage unit can help to open up your home, while also keeping certain items safe from the risk of damage. Sporting goods and other such pieces can easily get scraped or scratched when stored in a crowded garage, and clothes you have in the back of the closet can get mildewed or eaten by moths if left to sit for months at a time. Before you move anything to storage, however, or even start shopping around for a storage unit, note a few important tips that will help you prepare.


Purging unneeded items will allow you to downsize the storage unit you'll rent, and also means you'll need fewer storage bins for them. Have a friend help if needed, so they can insist you let go of old clothes that are outdated, and all those broken household appliances they know you'll never actually get around to fixing.

Storage bins and accessories

Cardboard boxes are never good for long-term storage; cardboard can absorb moisture and humidity, which then allows the items being stored to absorb that same humidity. Clothes, books and metal tools are then easily damaged when in storage.

Organise the items you will store so you can determine how many bins and totes you should buy, and then wrap clothes, artwork and books in acid-free tissue paper, to keep inks and dyes from running and staining other items. Wrap furniture in bubble wrap, so that those pieces don't get scratched and damaged as well.

Keep an inventory

To easily access the items you'll hold in storage, keep an inventory. A simple way to do this is to label each bin or tote with a letter or number; use a marker or buy stick-on labels from an office supply store. Set out all the items you'll put in each tote and take a picture, then name the picture the same letter or number of the tote. You can then easily see that Christmas decorations are in tote A, summer clothes are in tote B, that cocktail dress you need for a date night is in tote C, and so on.

Rent moving equipment

To make the move easier on you, rent a truck with tie-downs that can hold your bins and other items in place. It's also good to rent a hand truck or dolly, so you don't hurt yourself physically while trying to load and unload your items. This will make quick work of your storage and ensure nothing is damaged in transit.

About Me

Herbert's Home and Garden Advice

Do you want to improve your home and garden? If the answer to that question is yes, you have come to right place. I am not a home and garden renovation professional but I have learnt a thing or two about the subject during the last year or so. It all started when my daughter Wendy came to stay for a while. She was on a break from her studies at University and she was appalled by the condition of my place. Over the years, I had let the place go a little but I had no idea how overgrown and run down garden and my home had become. Wendy helped me fix it up. I hope you enjoy my blog.


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